1. Your appetite may decrease
Apple cider vinegar is often consumed, to stimulate weight loss. Apple cider vinegar can indeed provide a helping hand. “Drinking vinegar can lead to changes in your metabolism that support weight loss,” cardiologist and weight management specialist Luiza Petre told The Healthy. She added that apple cider vinegar can help curb your appetite and cause you to feel fuller after a meal.
2. You won’t crave sweets
Mix apple cider vinegar with a little honey and you won’t crave sweets, says nurse Rebecca Park. The acid in the vinegar makes you less interested in sugar, and the honey ensures that you still have something sweet when you want it. Plus, there are only three calories per tablespoon of apple cider vinegar.
3. Your digestive system can improve
The prebiotics in apple cider vinegar have a beneficial effect on the healthy micro-organisms that regulate your digestion, according to Dr. Petre. The acid in your stomach can then be better regulated, which results in better digestion.
Continue reading on the next page to see what else apple cider vinegar can do for your body.
4. It can lower your blood sugar
Do you drink a little apple cider vinegar? This can boost your insulin, which makes it easier for your body to break down sugar, even if you have just eaten a carbohydrate-rich meal. “Apple cider vinegar can prevent insulin resistance, a symptom of pre-diabetes,” says holistic health expert, Amy Leigh Mercree. So, apple cider vinegar can support insulin. However, diabetics should never see apple cider vinegar as a replacement for the insulin that they need to inject.
5. It can improve the health of your heart
Triglycerides are a chemical compound that cause fatty plaque in your blood vessels, and this buildup can lead to a blockage in blood flow. Do you regularly drink apple cider vinegar? Then this can lower your triglycerides. The fiber in apple cider vinegar can also neutralize bad cholesterol.
6. You might absorb more nutrients
It turns out that apple cider vinegar helps your body absorb nutrients better. An old study on animals showed that the intestines can absorb calcium better when apple cider vinegar is consumed. The same applies to iron absorption.
Warning: Your tooth enamel can be damaged
Unfortunately, apple cider vinegar also has a major drawback. Because it is so incredibly acidic, it can affect the enamel on your teeth. It is therefore best to dilute apple cider vinegar with water. Mix one part vinegar with ten parts water. It is also best to drink it with a straw.